Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

Happy New Year!!

I'm all set to say goodbye to 2007, esp the month of December! Sad news, snow storms, back pain and a pinched nerve, holidays and unexpected feelings of sadness... not a fun time and lead me feeling uninspired to blog.

But now it's a New Year... shiny, fresh and new.

I did create this month... I made a scrapbook for my mom that totally made her cry and was pretty sweet, if I can say so myself.

Expect details on the planning of vacation... we're in the air on February 17th!!

Finally, Maggie may you rest in peace. May your family find comfort and try to make sense of what has been lost and may the world recover from losing a truly wonderful person.


Anonymous said...

Wishing you a blessed New Years!!!

Jen Vogelsong said...

Ditto to the prayers for Maggie's family and friends and to the excitement around vacation planning... especially a vacation during the dreary month of Feb, which only has a few good people's birthdays (such as the owner of this blog) to spice it up. :)

Carmen said...

Happy New Year, Laura!

Melissa Greenfield said...

Happy New Year, Laura!

I look forward to seeing you soon!