Thursday, February 21, 2008


Saludas de Southern Hemisphere! Jen and I arrived safely in Argentina. We are in the city of Mendoza right now which is in the foothills of the Andes. Tomorrow we head back to Buenos Aires.

So far, a great time is being had. Argentina is a beautiful country... the people are so friendly, the food is great and the sunshine even better!! Yesterday we took a bus up into the Andes to the Chilean border. So breathtaking, literally with altitude sickness!!

It´s very exciting to have all these Spanish words come back to me. Thank God I am with a fluent speaker but those high school and college Spanish classes are coming in handy!!

Hasta Luego!!

1 comment:

smurp said...

you actually tasted the food??!
I'm so impressed...and, let's face it, totally envious. que lo pasa bien y me diga de todo cuando regresa.